Club Announcements

The Latest Check-in Policy Notice of Beijing Clubhouse

According to the adjustment of the epidemic prevention and control work of Beijing Municipal Government, as of 30 April 2020, people checking into Beijing Clubhouse are NOT required to provide proof of not having left Beijing for at least 14 days, or of having a negative local nucleic acid test within the past seven days. Members and guests can stay at Beijing Clubhouse with a “no abnormality” status on their “Beijing Health Kit” or “National Health Pass Code”. You may search “Beijing Bendibao” WeChat official account to find the category of low risk areas. This adjustment does not apply to people returning to Beijing from overseas, Hubei and other high-risk areas. Please continue to cooperate with the health control management of Beijing Clubhouse. We are continuing to monitor the epidemic and will promptly inform you of any new arrangement.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused and are grateful for your understanding and support. If you need any help, please do not hesitate to contact the Duty Manager.